Basic Information

As of March 31, 2024

Company name  AZ-COM MARUWA Holdings Inc.
Date of foundation January 1970
Date of establishment August 1973
Representative President & CEO    Masaru Wasami
Asahi 7-1, Yoshikawa-shi, Saitama, Japan 342-0008
TEL:+81-48-991-1000 FAX:+81-48-991-1001 
【Tokyo Office】
Marunouchi 1-8-2, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo,  Japan 100-0005
TEL:+81-3-3261-1000   FAX:+81-3-3212-1001 
Capital 9,117 million JP Yen
Listed Exchange Market
Tokyo Stock Exchange (Prime Market)
Securities Code
Fiscal year
From April 1st of each year to March 31th of the following year
Group companies business management, etc.
Number of Branches
264 nationwide(Group total as of March 2024)
Number of Employees
19,523 (Group total as of March 31, 2024)
Net Sales
198 billion JP Yen (fiscal year ending March 31, 2024)
For details, please refer to "Performance Highlights

Group Business

The Group is mainly engaged in the third-party logistics business (3PL), focus on distribution center related operations, specializing in retail industry centered E-commerce logistics, cold chain food logistics, medicine & medical logistics, seeking further business development. 

Logistics Business

In business operations, logistics is one of the important sources of profit. To that end, allowing customers to concentrate on their core business by outsourcing logistics, to convert logistics costs into variable costs, becomes effective management policy. In addition, in the case of manpower shortages, it is necessary to have professional knowledge and specialized skills to improve the level of logistics services. AZ-COM Maruwa Group provides logistics services and business support according to the customer's business strategy.

3PL Business

EC Ordinary Temperature 3PL Business

To provide transportation and distribution services equipped with AI and IoT

Since founding, we have reformed the transportation and delivery services that named as "Momotaro Delivery Brand", and have developed systems and structures that can further contribute to our customers.
We efficiently manage a series of operations such as receiving orders, dispatching, transportation and delivery,  with AI and IoT centralized management.
In addition, with customer demand in recent years, the company are also focusing on e-commerce logistics (last mile, trunk transportation logistics,  distribution center internal operations).

Cold Chain Food 3PL Business

Propose solutions for logistics reform and improvement from the "store perspective" based on abundant knowledge and substantial achievements

The Group fully understands the business strategy of its customers. Based on the theme of "What to do and how to be helpful ", it has driven the accumulation of years of high expertise to reduce the total cost, improve the system and quality of logistics. While also considering the introduction of the most advanced logistics equipment, together with customers, from the "store perspective" to implement improvement and reform.
In addition, to support store sales, we are also committed to building a production area logistics system, which deliver "seasonal vegetables picked in the morning" from all over the country to stores on the same day, creating a logistics industry pioneer.

Medicine & Medical 3PL Logistics Business

Supporting customers' drugstore business through store-based logistics

The group provides high-quality services in line with customers' management policies and strategies, while reducing operational costs and supporting their chain operations.
In addition, will cut customer's sales opportunity loss to Zero, provide Non-inventory (VMI / deposit inventory method) to help reduce inventory. Furthermore, while improving the efficiency of customers' procurement logistics, contribute to sales expansion, support regional strategies and multi-sales-channels development.



Other business

Save the originals of various application forms, contracts and other important documents, total manage the originals such as shipping and delivery. Real-time document searching and electronic data viewing with web applications and digitize documents. From document generation, storage to disposal, provides optimized and comprehensive document management support, also have “real estate leasing” supporting services related to the leasing management of buildings and parking lots centered on the metropolitan area.

BCP Logistics Business

Provide solutions for commercialized social contribution (BCP logistics business) by building a nationwide logistics support network during disasters

Until now, the cost of providing natural disasters support, was born by supporter side. With the increasing large-scale of natural disasters in recent years, and traditional support methods are unable to contribute to social infrastructure. Facing with this important issue, the Group focused on the key point of "business-oriented social contribution", launched initiative BCP logistics business, promoting the BCP commercialization. 
In order to provide smooth logistics support to nationwide in event of a disaster, we established "BCP Advisory Committee" composed of BCP experts and professors, and established the AZ-COM BCP network.
Based on these points, when a nationwide large-scale disaster occurs, we will provide logistics support and storage services for local governments and private enterprises, and build a sustainable transportation infrastructure.



Investor Relations

AZ-COM MARUWA Holdings Inc. is a Tokyo Stock Exchange listed company, prime market, Code: 9090
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